Spiritual protection, Judgements and boundaries

Do you uphold boundaries, that keep you safe, protected, honoured and aligned with the divine or do you change your mind, as to where the goal posts stand with these, maybe out of fears of others judgements, worried that you will hurt them or be disliked, facing repercussions by what they will think, feel and say if you stick to self caring boundaries.


The chances are when others have good boundaries in place within their own lives, they will respect yours and it will be no problem or big deal for you to speak up, say no or think differently. They will accept your boundary with no questions asked. The problem often occurs when our intuition starts telling us before we address it, as we would have seen signs already that a boundary will not be listened to, understood, respected and honoured and a fuss will be kicked up or storm maybe be created by speaking up.

This week I read a wonderful social media post by the author Elizabeth Gilbert (who wrote the must watch spiritual book and then film, Eat, Pray love) titled with the words ‘Your anger is a sign that someone has crossed a boundary’ and she writes that she has learned that people with no boundaries are constantly furious. Which makes sense, as with any amount of anger there can be past hurts and disappointments still at play and haven’t been healed from.

The universe wants to know what you want, what’s acceptable to you, what direction you wish to go in, what makes you happy and feel free. It’s wants to know this, so it can match you up with like minded energies, to bring opportunities, beginnings, movement and momentum into your life path and destiny. If you stay with something out of fear of change or feel resistant to how things want to flow and move then we will often feel stuck and stagnant, not addressing the root reasons or causes for why we feel like we do and may look to other things to distract ourselves, from the real reasons - and 9 times out of 10 this is normally because a boundary issue hasn’t been faced or dealt with and it’s often to do with blame and shame for the fact we allowed something to happen that we knew wasn’t for our highest good, as we always ‘know’ deep down what is, but actually by forgiving, chalking it up to experience and learning can be the turn around necessary and one of the best things that could happen. There is often a greater picture and purpose at work that we may not be able to see until after..

A example of this is spiritual protection. As a psychic medium, I work with a lot of different energies. I’m also a empath and sensitive and do pick up some of others emotions, thoughts and feelings and this does help me to link into help them, with compassion and my psychic skills. I’ve got better at letting stuff go with this, by knowing myself better I’m able to discern what’s mine and what’s others, which wasn’t always the case, especially growing up.

I do ask my guides and angels for protection before I work to give readings, I have a gatekeeper who helps me with this, but we do work as part of a team and it isn’t all left up to my spirit guides and angels to do this. It’s also my job to uphold my boundaries and show I’m showing up with protecting myself. Unfortunately in a recent reading I wanted to help my client at what turned out to be at the detriment to myself. This client had turned to the ‘darker side’ to regain some kind of power and control over their lives, as they were unhappy and tearful during the session. I wasn’t shown this until the middle of the reading, while I explained my beliefs I wasn’t fully closed down, so my ‘trying to help’ actually invaded my own boundaries and good judgement, as I should have ended the reading immediately. It’s important for me to tell other energy workers that if your a reader or do the cards or healings for others, as soon as any darker, lower vibes are shown close down and protect yourself. This experience effected my crown chakra for a week and I had to meditate, heal and rest. Which actually was a good thing and made me much more aware. The dark can serve the light, but don’t give any power away to it, as love is ALWAYS stronger than fear. I’m glad of this experience, it’s shown me how much I love what I do, helping others and in many ways made me more certain of my faith and beliefs, with how loved and protected we are. I will pray for those who take a darker path, but it isn’t anyone’s else’s job to fix or save, only a person can so this for themselves by being guided back to the light, which is always trying to happen.

It does help to know and trust how protected you are. You are safe. You are loved. You are whole. Maintaining good balanced boundaries is essential spiritual and life practice, this isn’t to keep people or energy out but is done out of love, respect and faith. If your unsure of what to do or how to approach a boundary issue, pray, ask to be shown a sign, but mainly fully trust your gut with it. Please don’t feel any level of guilt for not pleasing others, as what is for the highist good for you will in turn be good for them. Even if at first they don’t seem to like or accept your boundary it can actually have a knock on effect that they start to realise more of there own and you become a leader lightworker by your example.

You can find out more about practicing, maintaining and using valuable, helpful tools as well as how your own guides, angels and gatekeepers can better help you working with spiritual protection and boundaries in my spiritual development sessions or spiritual guidance message email readings.

There is more information about these sessions up on the service page of my website.


Lots of love, light and many blessings

Jannine x

Jannine Psychic Medium